Practice Your C# Level 1
Practice Your C# Level 1
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Written by seasoned developer and trainer Ayo Agboola, Practice Your C# Level 1 is designed to ensure a solid C# foundation in the reader
Table Of Contents
1. For Starters
2. Console Handling I: Basic Output & Input
3. Number Handling
4. Booleans
5. Strings: Basic Handling
6. Conditional Processing
7. Arrays
8. Iterations/Loops
9. Console Handling II: More on Input
10. Console Handling III: Command Line Input
11. The Char Type
12. Date/Time Handling & Measurement
13. Collections (Introduction)
14. Computer Environment & Computer Information
15. File System I: Path & Directory Handling
16. File System II: File Handling
17. Random Numbers
18. The StringBuilder Class
19. Nullable Types
20. The var type: implicitly typed variables
21. Methods (Introduction)
22. Enumerations
23. Types, Boxing & Unboxing
24. Classes
25. Interfaces (Introduction)
26. Structures
27. Tuples
28. Passing By Reference, Passing By Value
29. Operator Overloading
30. Properties
31. Delegates
32. Exceptions
33. Character Encoding
34. File Streams I
35. File Streams II: A Finer Look at File I/O
36. Saving Your Objects to Disk: Serialization & Deserialization
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